The DISTRICT COMMITTEE holds office from 1st July to 30th June and
consists of:
(a) OFFICERS: Chairman. 1st Vice Chairman, 2nd Vice Chairmen.
Secretary, Treasurer. Member of Council, Membership & Development
Officer, International Service Officer, Editor and Immediate Past
(b) COMMITTEE: Two Voting Delegates from each Club, or their
District Chairman presides at all meetings of the District
Committee, and as chief executive officer, supervises the work and
activities of the District. She is Chairman of the Executive
Committee and an ex-officio member of all other committees. She
visits each Club at a business meeting during her year of office and
also attends rallies and charter events by invitation.
1st Vice Chairman deputises for the District Chairman if necessary.
She uses this year to plan for her year as District Chairman - i.e.
visits to Clubs, the District rally and District Chairman's tea.
2nd Vice Chairman acts as the liaison between the District Executive
team. This involves preparing for the District Committee meetings
including agreement of the menu and production of the table plan.
She is also responsible for the Inner Wheel shop, a great way of
getting to know members.
District Secretary sends out notices of meetings and keep all
minutes and records. She conducts all correspondence and is an
ex-officio member of all committees. She makes an Annual Report to
the District Committee. This can be a shared post.
District Treasurer is the custodian of the funds of the District and
is officio member of all committees. She submits a report of the
finances of the District to each District Committee Meeting. The
Balance Sheet and Accounts is prepared under the direction of the
Treasurer and presented for adoption at the Annual General Meeting.
Member of Council represents her District on the Association Council
and acts as liaison between the Council and her District.
Membership & Development Officer promotes the Membership work of the
District and is the Chairman of the Membership Committee, if a
Committee exists.